Westerra Equipment Business Update

To our Valued Customers:
We would like to inform you of a strategic change to our business that may affect you and your equipment.
As of December 4th, 2024, Westerra Equipment is no longer a Vermeer Equipment dealer. This decision will allow Westerra Equipment to devote its efforts on products that better align with its strategic focus. Vermeer Equipment owners and customers can count on being fully supported by Westerra Equipment through this transition period while Vermeer appoints a new dealer.
In the coming weeks, we will post more information about this transition on this page. The Westerra Equipment team is committed to supporting your equipment sales, service, parts, rentals and operator training needs throughout this time and beyond.
If you have any questions or concerns about your Vermeer equipment or other equipment needs, please contact us at the link below.
Rest assured, through this change and beyond, we are committed to ensuring your equipment needs are met with regards to sales, service, parts, rentals and training.
Please do not hesitate in reaching out to us to discuss your unique needs and how we can best support you through this transition.
Thank you.
The Westerra Equipment Team